Friday, June 25, 2010

Expand your mind by releasing fear, judgment, limitations, and overcoming obstacles. Join us for an unforgettable workshop filled with positive memories! We are dedicated to helping individuals tap into a higher state of consciousness. Connecting with a higher sense of being, and power reminds us that anything is possible if we choose to discover a better way of life. When an individual takes joy and love within themselves, the effect of the transformation ripples throughout the universe.  Free yourself from anything that is preventing, or hindering you from realizing and achieving a dream, Please visit for details.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cycles of life

Our souls weep for the loved ones lost in eternal sleep. Yet there is also joy as we remember, and celebrate the lives of those who have passed through the doorway to another existence. The ability to learn from our torment and realizing that beyond the mists of seemingly infinite anguish lays a place of unsurpassed splendor is essential to fully understanding the many cycles throughout life.
Remaining entangled in the web of sorrow leading towards a darker tomorrow is a vicious spiral that leads towards lunacy. Finding our own balance and inner peace while knowing that there is a reason for everything is a serious venture that vastly varies based on each individual. However it is possible if we trust in the many phases of living, death merely being another birth that leads to another realm.

 Honor the memory of those that are no longer here by doing what you love, and revering their spirit. Respect yourself by allowing the healing process to initiate, and
trusting that true bliss is not only attainable, but deserved.