Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Column of divine light

I was at the beach watching a fire dancer and listening to the drum circle, communing with the elements of nature when suddenly my feet grew roots so deep that I was unable to move. The people around me began to fade into the background, as I was no longer surrounded by them.

A blindingly radiant column of aqua light, veiled by opalescent shimmering white surrounded me. Flowing through me, a feeling of glorious transcendent splendor that reached from the heavens deep into the earth.

Reaching out into the universe, the sheer power of curative, benevolent, magnificent energy was almost too intense to abide. A vibe of ancient, pure, yet timelessness was expressed. Unharnessed potential and power lies within all of us flowing from the divine. Learn to listen, see, and feel trust.

Know that we have been called; all of the children, healers, sages, seers, teachers, and wise ones shall receive gifts beyond anything they could have even begun to dream. The unspeakable beauty is there already present within us, and all around us. Choose to know, do not doubt, and continue on the path without hesitation. Prepare yourself.

Then I came back to this plane, my body began to tremble, my stomach was upset, extremely disorienting, I had to make my way over to the blanket we were sitting on. Then Maria spoke to me, and I had trouble speaking for a few minutes, my hearing was not quite back yet either. Funny how visions can have such an effect on these human bodies we have. I am damn thankful for them though, they are more than worth it! Blessed be!


Unify to set aside judgment, and differences to pursue a higher truth.

Allow nothing whether it is political, racial, religious, or cultural views to interfere with how you perceive another being, and hope for the same in return.

Remember that no one is perfect, and allow mistakes.

Do not allow another person’s perception of you to creep in and distort your own view, whether it is of yourself, or something else.

Open thyself to new endeavors, knowledge, experiences, and ways of life.

Discover thyself; deepen your sense of self.

Keep an open mind so that a broader perspective of life and everything encompassed within it grows beyond anything you have ever known.

Katie Roth


Monday, May 10, 2010

Discovering Wholeness

A child of light wanders in the moonlight. She hides from the sun, for she feels more in tune with the night, and loves lunar light. Emerging from the darkness into the illumination of day light, she winces because everything is so bright, and she has to adapt to the sun light.

Wondering if she was born of darkness, although she has felt that she glowed so vividly that the shadows of night were lit up with her luminosity, maybe she was safer in the throes of night. We all have darkness, and light within. Learning to balance the two so that our being will experience a newfound wholeness is essential to truly discovering ourselves, but also beginning on the path to inner peace, and happiness which is a bountiful blessing that everyone deserves, yet does not always allow the progress necessary to attain such a wondrous state.

Know that anything experienced throughout this life, is merely meant to teach us a grander lesson, to guide us to these paths of transcendent beauty. Choose to reach beyond and see what form of a higher meaning underlies whatever thing you are currently being hindered by. Unexpected occurrences shall reveal themselves to you, and they will be striking in such a way that it leaves you mystified.

Spirits of fire light

Spirits dance within, and around the fire light as I watch it crackling, roaring, illuminating the night. Dancing flames that burn so bright are alive with powerful, ancient beings that beckon to you to come celebrate nature’s wonders, and connect with a higher power.

I watched and was enlightened on that magical and incredible night. The entire spirit realm was present and aiding all of us throughout the night. Several of us watched and communed with them that night. I certainly did while tending the fire on that blessed eve when the universe had delivered us such a special gift. Fire walking for spiritual reasons, is a wonderful gift within itself. However, tending to the fire is an infinitely more pleasurable and fulfilling endeavor to have unexpectedly embarked upon.

A journey was begun that night. The path is striking and brilliantly lit, and goes on far beyond second sight. There are joyful whisperings, visions, and feelings that foretell of unimagined healing, and spiritual insight, awakening, and transformation for countless along the way. The unspoken splendor is felt and seen by many.

Transcend any obstacle that tries to deter, or hinder the progress made while on this journey. Know that you are loved, protected, and blessed.

I am eternally grateful that we get to do it again!


A young, joyful caterpillar stumbled one day, and bounced back without delay. Moving along she was traumatized deeply, and fell into unimaginable darkness. Fighting her way back up to the light became harder, with every try she only ended up delving deeper into the shadow world.

Years went by while remaining lost in the dimly lit gloom. Eventually nature took its course, and the caterpillar turned into a chrysalis. The chrysalis was formed in purgatory, and seemed as though the necessary transformation to become whole was impossible.

Eventually small shifts begun to occur beneath the surface of the cocoon, unseen healing that was so subtle it remained unnoticed. Rebirth is facilitated only when proper healing takes place. Additional moments passed when unexpectedly out emerged a beautiful butterfly, which was finally released from the inhibitions that kept her from developing.