Monday, May 10, 2010

Discovering Wholeness

A child of light wanders in the moonlight. She hides from the sun, for she feels more in tune with the night, and loves lunar light. Emerging from the darkness into the illumination of day light, she winces because everything is so bright, and she has to adapt to the sun light.

Wondering if she was born of darkness, although she has felt that she glowed so vividly that the shadows of night were lit up with her luminosity, maybe she was safer in the throes of night. We all have darkness, and light within. Learning to balance the two so that our being will experience a newfound wholeness is essential to truly discovering ourselves, but also beginning on the path to inner peace, and happiness which is a bountiful blessing that everyone deserves, yet does not always allow the progress necessary to attain such a wondrous state.

Know that anything experienced throughout this life, is merely meant to teach us a grander lesson, to guide us to these paths of transcendent beauty. Choose to reach beyond and see what form of a higher meaning underlies whatever thing you are currently being hindered by. Unexpected occurrences shall reveal themselves to you, and they will be striking in such a way that it leaves you mystified.

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