Monday, May 10, 2010


A young, joyful caterpillar stumbled one day, and bounced back without delay. Moving along she was traumatized deeply, and fell into unimaginable darkness. Fighting her way back up to the light became harder, with every try she only ended up delving deeper into the shadow world.

Years went by while remaining lost in the dimly lit gloom. Eventually nature took its course, and the caterpillar turned into a chrysalis. The chrysalis was formed in purgatory, and seemed as though the necessary transformation to become whole was impossible.

Eventually small shifts begun to occur beneath the surface of the cocoon, unseen healing that was so subtle it remained unnoticed. Rebirth is facilitated only when proper healing takes place. Additional moments passed when unexpectedly out emerged a beautiful butterfly, which was finally released from the inhibitions that kept her from developing.

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