Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Column of divine light

I was at the beach watching a fire dancer and listening to the drum circle, communing with the elements of nature when suddenly my feet grew roots so deep that I was unable to move. The people around me began to fade into the background, as I was no longer surrounded by them.

A blindingly radiant column of aqua light, veiled by opalescent shimmering white surrounded me. Flowing through me, a feeling of glorious transcendent splendor that reached from the heavens deep into the earth.

Reaching out into the universe, the sheer power of curative, benevolent, magnificent energy was almost too intense to abide. A vibe of ancient, pure, yet timelessness was expressed. Unharnessed potential and power lies within all of us flowing from the divine. Learn to listen, see, and feel trust.

Know that we have been called; all of the children, healers, sages, seers, teachers, and wise ones shall receive gifts beyond anything they could have even begun to dream. The unspeakable beauty is there already present within us, and all around us. Choose to know, do not doubt, and continue on the path without hesitation. Prepare yourself.

Then I came back to this plane, my body began to tremble, my stomach was upset, extremely disorienting, I had to make my way over to the blanket we were sitting on. Then Maria spoke to me, and I had trouble speaking for a few minutes, my hearing was not quite back yet either. Funny how visions can have such an effect on these human bodies we have. I am damn thankful for them though, they are more than worth it! Blessed be!

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